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Home Espresso Set Ups under $599

Breville Barista Express BES870XL Espresso Machine

Price: $560 from Seattle Coffee Gear and Amazon


Less to do and clean.

One machine does it all.

Good brand with good reputation.


Expensive compared to the other solutions.

Grinder performs best with darker roasts.

Hard to repair yourself.

Flair Classic

Price: $160 from Flair


Manual device is easy to clean and maintain

Manual extraction gives user more controls

Cheaper price for solid quality

Pretty portable


Need separate hot water source/grinder/steamer

Takes more time to use and clean

Requires some practice

Minipresso GR

$50 from Wacaco


Cheap price for brew quality

Lots of accessories

Easy to use with almost any grinder

Highly portable


Lots of plastic parts

Wears out over time

Needs separate hot water source/grinder/steamer

Bialetti Moka Pot

$30 on Amazon for 20 oz


Comes in different sizes to make lots of espresso at once for bigger groups

Cheap price for good quality


Only 2 bar extraction so not a lot of crema

Requires separate grinder/steamer

Lido E Coffee Grinder
$190 from OE Coffee Grinder

Breville BCG820BSSXL The Smart Grinder Pro

$200 on Amazon

Stainless steel stove-top steamer Item 50SS

$60 on European Gift
$30-$60 used on E-Bay and Etsy

Staniless Steel French Press

$30-$50 on Amazon, Home Depot etc